Silver to Gold Project

The Silver to Gold Project is a network of dreamers. The project is all about connecting dreamers with each other to mutually encourage, support, challenge, and inspire other dreamers to go after their dreams and not stop until they have seen them come to pass. Being a member of this project means that one is agreeing to do whatever it takes to accomplish their dreams or goals that they have deep inside their hearts. It is a commitment to not settle for the good in life, but to go for the best, to not settle for silver, but to go for gold. It means being willing to take big risks, make huge sacrifices if necessary, to follow through in living your dreams.

The Background Story of this project lies in a dream that I have been pursuing for the last 5 years. My dream is to publish my book and get it around the world to inspire people towards living an amazing and abundant life filled with dreams come true. The book is a fiction allegory entitled “Silver to Gold” that one day WILL BE published if it is the last thing I do. This is one of my current dreams that I am still actively pursuing. Working on a story like this also means that if I am to have any integrity in this work that I too must be living a life where I am actively engaged in pursuing all the dreams God’s put in my heart.

Some of the Inspiration that helped move me toward this project came when I had coffee with a friend this past week. Bekah, I have known for over 7 years and have always seen her to have a gift with music. As we met, we each shared where we were at in pursuing our different dreams, me with my book, her with her music career. I have no doubt in my mind that if we both continue hanging tight to our dreams and pursuing them, making necessary sacrifices and taking risks where needed, that one day we will both be able to sit down for coffee again and swap a published book for a published CD. You see, people need to experience the gift and talent that Bekah brings (look for her @, they also need to experience the story that I bring because that is part of the reason we are here. I realized that during and after our time together, that I was further encouraged to move forward with my dream. Being around others who are passionate about living the dreams in their heart can only inspire and encourage those around them to do the same. This is my hope for this project. May it bring courage to each who enters to take one more step towards the fulfillment of their dreams. More coming soon on this...


Felicity said...

Count me in as a big dreamer! I read your article on the Radiant magazine website - well done.

Brittnee said...

This is great info to know.

Jen Miskov said...

Thanks for your comments, I definitely appreciate it!

Simon K said...

Count me in Jen for as proven with yourself, Believe in it, Achieve it and Succeed in it. Positivity through and through for the hearts can be healed and the dreams can be destiny to the true lighten future!